Ashley B. - United states
I’m really amazed at this product. I have been having cystic acne lately on my jawline and after just a couple days of using this they have cleared up dramatically. I also love this gel because it’s lightweight and I can apply it before I do my makeup and it doesn’t dry my skin out at all. I’ve had all kinds of acne all of my life and now at 32 the cystic started. This is so far the best over the counter product I have used. Definitely worth the money. Just try it you will seriously be amazed.
UPDATE : WOW WOW WOW guys I’ve been using this religiously since I bought it like what now five months ago and I STILL have some left in the tube.. I’ve attached a pic... I really cannot believe what this has done for skin. I could seriously cry. I seriously just BUY IT AND TRY IT. Keep up with it and make it apart of your skin care routine. Every time I wash my face, use astringent, and then a THIN layer of this stuff and then a couple spritz of a good toner ( I’ve been using the Mario one) and you’re good to go. Seriously and you can even wear it under your makeup. Remember a little goes a long way with this.
Janine. - United states
Highly recommend this for anyone struggling with hormonal acne... as a Medical Esthetician for 23 yrs...this has tremendously helped my teenage daughter with her acne. She didn't see much improvement with salicylic or glycolic...but this gentle BPO works amazing on her delicate skin. She uses it every other night and literally the first few times she used her skin cleared up by 80%. She's been using this for 2 months now and her skin has never looked better and her self esteem has improved too! & Rec for teens to acclimate & use only in the pm.. starting every other night..& building up to nightly if no sensitivity. Please remember oil free spf 30 or higher as BPO leaves you very photosensitive. * professional skincare treatments will boost results too!!! :)
Tania B. Truesdale - United states
Effective Treatment for Mild to Moderate Acne
I've been meaning to write this review for ages, and now that I'm on my 4th bottle of this stuff I thought it was time!
I started experiencing a horrible breakout around December last year. My usual products weren't working, so I decided to try the acne.org method, which involves using large quantities of benzoyl peroxide. I picked up this product because it was a large size and in the right strength of 2.5%.
The first photo is how my skin looked the first week I tried it in January. For the first couple weeks I experienced extremely dry, flaky skin. My eyes were so red and flaky I was applying vaseline around them, and my jawline got so tight and flaky. But I persevered! I continued to use the product twice daily. It's a fabulous gel texture that is so easy to spread around my face and let dry.
The second photo was taken 5 weeks after I started using the product -- my skin was completely cleared. I just had residual hyperpigmentation. The third photo is how my skin looks now, with over 5 months of use. I have also been using acne.org's 10% AHA solution.
In conclusion, this product WILL dry you out at first, but if you stick with it the issue quickly resolves and you will be left with beautiful skin. Don't give up!

RLG - United states
Works Very Well for me
Buying my second tube. First tube lasted approximately 18 months, with x1 daily application. Continues to be effective for me. I noticed packaging is new. Hopefully formula is the same. Noticed it is also expensive by $1-2 from 2019.
Original Review: December 2019
I've had adult-onset cystic acne for 10++ years, often triggered by fluctuating hormones and certain food groups (dairy). For a while, what has been really effective were monthly visits to my asthetician for a deep pore clean (extractions and peel) and daily Maca Root supplements (one specific brand only). While I'm still on that routine, this new discovery has proven to be as effective (if not more) and waaay cheaper. My expectations were pretty low coming in, but after about 3 months of use now, I am definitely blown away by this product.
First month of use I did twice/day right away knowing that, yes, it will irritate my skin. It was strong and harsh. It stung and dried my skin. But I know my skin well enough to say that while it is super sensitive, it is also very resilient. It dried my skin, with mild-moderate redness as well. It was itchy on some days and slightly irritated. It was like this for a few weeks. Sometimes I took a day or two of rest from the product or used it once per day. But I used it regularly. Despite all the "side effects" of initial use, my pores were tight, skin was smooth and large cystic acne decreased significantly. After that initial month, as expected, my skin got used to it.
Flash forward to now, it's been 3 months and my face does not dry or sting at all (it's still quite cold out here like December). It does not turn red after use, nor do I get that stinging itch after use. My cystic acne is near non-existent. I still get the ocassional hormonal breakouts around my neck and jawline but much reduced in size, redness and amount.
You know a product is simple, strong and effective when it does not have any fragrance, the ingredients list is short, the color is paper-white and consistency is thick. That's what this is. Straightforward, no frills, industrial grade acne treatment that works.
I've never truly been this happy with my skin. At the same time, I know that at one point it will stop being as effective and my skin will become immune to its effects. That just how my skin is. But until then, I will be enjoying this product and the others from this brand which I intend to try.
Best way to work with hormonal cystic acne is, never give up, continue to adapt, and just love what you have.
Torrey Inscore - United states
Works Fast
I've only been using this stuff for two days!!!! Yeah the lighting is different and my face is a bit red, but they have significantly decreased. If you want something that helps you fast use this stuff. I'm also taking oral acne medicine called Chronic Skin for long term results. It also comes in a big bottle. The only issue I've had and this is because I do have sensitive skin, is I put it on and went immediately outside, bad idea. If you need to go out immediately wear a hat, cause the sun causes it to burn a bit.